History, Hall of Fame, Records, and Accomplishments

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自1948年开业以来,萨克拉门托复临学院拥有悠久而自豪的优秀运动传统. 在SAA历史的大部分时间里,体育运动主要局限于校园内, physical education, and church league competition. 体育馆大厅的记录板上展示着70年代和80年代的运动实力,许多田径记录至今仍然存在.

其他基督复临教会学校之间的友谊游戏和比赛在80年代和90年代开始增长. In the late 90’s and early 2000’s parents, administration, and Stuart Bushnell (Athletic Director, 1989-2007)帮助萨克拉门托复临学院加入加州校际联合会. 这使得SAA开始定期参加校际比赛首先作为准会员,然后最终成为萨克拉门托山谷基督教联盟(SVCL)的成员. SAA运动员现在有机会进入季后赛和争夺联赛冠军. SAA是北加州最早进入CIF的复临教会学校之一. 2005年,CIF Sac华金分部董事会投票决定重新调整几个联赛. 萨克拉门托复临学院从SVCL转移到一个全新的联盟,叫做萨克拉门托大都会体育联盟(SMAL). 萨克拉门托复临学院是这个新联盟的创始成员,从那时起就一直积极参与发展和支持联盟. SAA目前参加了男子和女子排球运动, boys and girls flag football, boys and girls cross country, boys and girls basketball, boys golf, and girls softball.

传统上,K-8年级的学生只偶尔参加与当地基督复临教会学校的友好比赛和校内比赛. In 2015 though, Matt Cantrell (Athletic Director, 2012年至2018年)帮助加州中部联盟(CCL)的所有体育项目提高了6至8年级. 我们现在与其他当地基督教和基督复临教会学校在排球运动中竞争, flag football, basketball, and soccer.

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Hall of Fame

Al Harrington (Coach, Announcer, and Parent) 2007-2014

  • 他为体育项目服务的8年是非同寻常的. Al helped coach boys basketball at the JV and Varsity levels. 多年来,他一直是所有主场比赛的解说员,也是最初的“首都之声”。. 作为主教练,阿尔最大的成就是在女子排球队执教. 2013年,阿尔帮助球队首次进入CIF SJS季后赛.

Stuart Bushnell (Athletic Director and Coach) 1989-2007

  • 斯图尔特在帮助建立萨克拉门托复临教会作为CIF的成员和北加州第一个获得CIF会员资格的复临教会学校之一方面发挥了重要作用. 斯图尔特还曾担任该校男子篮球队的主教练多年. 2002年,他帮助带领球队获得了学校有史以来第一个联赛冠军,并首次进入了CIF SJS季后赛. 在接下来的几年里,这个男孩的大学篮球队又多次进入季后赛. 2007年,斯图尔特帮助球队取得了学校历史上第一个不败的联赛赛季和我们的第二个联赛冠军.

Kris Dunlap (Teacher and Coach) 1990 – Present

  • 自从我们1990年到校以来,克里斯一直在体育项目中发挥着不可或缺的作用. 克里斯在高中和初中执教过许多体育项目. 不过,他最成功的球队是女子大学篮球队. 克里斯帮助带领女子大学篮球队获得了2008年PUC锦标赛冠军,并参加了许多CIF-SJS季后赛. 克里斯总是在主场比赛,愿意帮助计分板或监督,无论何时被要求,是一个巨大的组成部分,持续优秀的运动项目多年来. 他也是体育项目的历史学家,多年来对团队和个人成就有着令人难以置信的记忆.

Dustin Comm (Athlete) Class of 2002

  • Dustin was an exceptional athlete. During his four-year high school career, 他帮助带领男孩篮球队第一次获得联赛冠军并参加季后赛. 达斯汀继续在太平洋联合学院打大学篮球,在那里他仍然保持着许多得分和投篮记录. Dustin was an exceptional student and leader on campus as well. 在他进入校园后的几年里,他的卓越成就被许多学生运动员所效仿和追随.

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Boys Varsity Football

48 Consecutive Wins, 2014 – 2017 seasons

Boys Varsity Basketball

Career Points: 1448 – Griffin Trull (Class of 2018)

Single Season Points: 621 – Griffin Trull (Class of 2018)

Single Game Points: 38 -格里芬特鲁尔vs胜利基督教12月5日和18年2月8日vs信仰基督教

Single Season Field Goals Made: 217 – Griffin Trull (Class of 2018)

Single Season Free Throws Made: 79 – Griffin Trull (Class of 2018)

Single Game Free Throws Made: 9 – Griffin Trull vs Sacramento Country Day 1/26/17

Career 3pt Shots Made: 221 – Griffin Trull (Class of 2018)

Season 3pt Shots Made: 108 – Griffin Trull (Class of 2018)

Single Game 3pt Shots Made: 7 – Griffin Trull vs Western Sierra 12/13/18

Single Season Rebounds: 269 – Jamison Collins (Class of 2019)

Single Game Rebounds: 18 – Jamison Collins vs Faith Christian 2/8/18

Single Season Assists: 154 – Cyrus Jones (Class of 2017)

Single Game Assists: 14 – Griffin Trull vs Valley Christian 2/6/18

Single Season Steals: 115 – Cyrus Jones(Class of 2017)

Single Game Steals: 10 – Cyrus Jones vs Woodland Christian 12/7/16

Single Season Blocks: 66 – Bryson Collins (Class of 2019)

Single Game Blocks: 9 – Cyrus Jones vs Valley Christian 1/14/17

Wins in a season: 28 (2017-2018 season)

Girls Varsity Basketball

Career Points: 460 – Alexandra Hartwick (Class of 2015)

Single Season Points: 215 – Kristen Sobrepena (Class of 2021)

Single Game Scoring: 24对威尔顿克里斯蒂安2015赛季——艾米·哈林顿(2015届)

Team Scoring Record: 66 pts vs Freedom Christian (2013 Season)

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Program Accomplishments

Jr High League Championships: 1 – 2017 CCL Boys Basketball

JV League Championships: 3 - 2016年小男孩篮球,2017年小男孩篮球和2018年小男孩篮球

Varsity League Championships: 12 – 2002 SVCL Boys Basketball, 2007 SMAL Boys Basketball (Undefeated), 2013 SMAL Boys Cross Country, 2014 SMAL Boys Cross Country, 2014 SMAL Girls Cross Country, 2016 SMAL Boys Golf, 2016 SMAL Boys Cross Country, 2017 SMAL Boys Basketball (Undefeated), 2017 SMAL Boys Golf, 2017 Boys Cross Country, 2018 SMAL Boys Basketball (Undefeated), and 2018 SMAL Boys Volleyball (Undefeated)

Section Playoff Appearances: 33 – Boys Basketball (16), Girls Basketball (12), Boys Golf (2), Girls Volleyball (2), Girls Softball (1) and Boys Volleyball (1)

Section Runner Ups: 3 – 2012年男子大学篮球,2017年男子大学高尔夫,和2018年男子大学篮球

Section Championships: 1 – 2017 Div. 6 Boys Varsity Basketball 41-40 vs Sacramento Waldorf

NorCal Playoff Appearances: 2 - 2017年男子大学篮球和2018年男子大学篮球

NorCal Championships: 1 – 2018 Div. 6 Boys Varsity Basketball 57-47 vs Ripon Christian

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* 2012年之前的个人奖项信息尚未公布

League Awards

Coach of the Year Awards: 3 – Scott Tedmon (2017 SMAL Boys Basketball), Scott Tedmon (2018 SMAL Boys Basketball), and Changsu Park (2018 SMAL Boys Volleyball)

League MVP Awards: 3 – Griffin Trull (18′) (2017 SMAL Boys Basketball), Griffin Trull (18′) (2018 SMAL Boys Basketball), and Joe O’Connor (18′) (2018 SMAL Boys Volleyball)

1st Team All-League Award Winners

2018 – Juliana Conrad (20′), Griffin Trull (18′), Breckin Beaman (21′), Hailee Arnold (18′), Jamison Collins (19′), Shane Jones (18′), Bryson Collins (19′), and Joe O’Connor (18′)

2017 – Hailee Arnold (18′), Hannah Lowery x 2 (17′), Griffin Trull (18′), Cyrus Jones (17′), Bryson Collins (19′)

2016 – Alexandra Hartwick (16 '), Calen Genobaga (16 '), Hannah Lowery (17 ')

2015 – Dalton Trull (15′), Roxana Stefan (15′), Amy Harrington (15′)

2014 -Amy Harrington (15′)

2nd Team All-League Award Winners

2018 – Mason Janke (19′) Bryce Beaman (18′), Bryson Collins x 2 (19′), Kristen Sobrepena (21′), and Shane Jones (18′)

2017 – Shane Jones (18′),

2016 – 凯特琳·恩格尔(16尺),萨布丽娜·巴拉塔(19尺),鲍比·索瓦(16尺),吉姆·苏安尼(16尺),亚历克莎·巴塞特(16尺)

2015 – Megan Bush (15′), Kaylin Tatsuyama (17′), Jake Calkins (16′), Joel Wagness (15′), Alexandra Hartwick (16′), Alexa Basset (16′)

2014 – Dalton Trull (15′), Anna Zelliti (14′), Makayla Trull (14′), Roxana Stefan (15′) Anna Zelliti (14′), Rachel Acob (14′)

Honorable Mention Award Winners

2018 – Willy Sowa (19′), Charlie Miller (18′), Dora Taukei (21′), Sabrina Baratta (19′), Grant Dizon (19′), Griffin Trul (18′), Crystal Sarnecki (20′) Kelly Sobrepena (20′), Bryce Beaman (18′), and Jamison Collins (19′)

2017 – Kailea Corpuz (18′), Kaylin Tatsuyama (19′), Keilalani Corpuz (20′), Jana Grubbs (18′), Bryce Beaman (18′), Jamison Collins (19′), Juliana Conrad (20′), Audrey Jones (17′)

2016 – Hailee Arnold (18′), Kailea Corpuz (18′), Hannah Lowery (17′), Karina Sattlemeyer (16′), Cyrus Jones (17′), Griffin Trull (18′), Alexandra Hartwick (16′), Janette Wagness (16′)

2015 – Hailee Arnold (18′), Caitlyn Engel (16′), Lorenzo Pena (17′), Bryce Beaman (18′), Calen Genobaga (16′), Jake Calkins (16′), Amy Harrington (15′), Megan Bush (15′), Karina Sattlemeyer (16′), Hannah Lowery (17′), Audrey Jones (17′)

2014 – Spencer McKinney (14′), Brendan Collins (15′), KC Sobrepena (14′), Meredith Lovell (14′), Alexa Basset (16′), Janette Wagness (16′)

SAA Athletic Awards

Male and Female Athlete of the Year

2018 – Griffin Trull (18′) and Jana Grubbs (18′)

2017 – Cyrus Jones (17′) and Hannah Lowery (17′)

2016 – Bobby Sowa (16′) and Alexandra Hartwick (16′)

2015 – Dalton Trull (15′) and Amy Harrington (15′)

2014 – Brendan Collins (14′) and Makayla Trull (14′)

2013 – Brendan Collins (14′) and Katie Johnston (13′)

Sportsman and Sportswoman of the Year

2018 – Bryan Wong (18′) and Kailea Corpuz (18′)

2017 – Griffin Trull (18′) and Kailea Corpuz (18′)

2016 – Jake Calkins (16′) and Hannah Lowery (17′)

2015 – Jake Calkins (16′) and Megan Bush (15′)

2014 – Joel Wagness (15′) and Megan Bush (15′)

2013 – Kieran Genobaga (14′) and Meredith Lovell (14′)

Rudometkin Award

2018 – Shane Jones (18′)

2017 – Lorenzo Pena (17′) and Kaylin Tatsuyama (17′)

2016 – Jake Calkins (16′)

2015 – Joel Wagness (15′)

2014 – Sonja Cartwright (14′)

2013 –  Addy Calkins (13′)
